Friday, 22 June 2012

It's arrived!

On Wednesday I received my sewing machine in the post  - yay! Sadly though, I was still revising for an exam, so I haven't made anything remotely big.

Here it is:

It has lots of stitches, which I am happy about.

My main problem is that I don't have enough fabric to make something big yet -  or biggish. I'm still on the lookout for some nice fabric, but I need some time to do that too.

Today was my last exam, so I am hugely relieved and very excited for the next few weeks! I had Biology A2 this morning - it was do-able but not too easy!

In my revision breaks this week I made two flower corsages. They both have pins on the back:

I made this one by hand before my sewing machine arrived. I found various circular things on my desk and drew round them on an old shirt sleeve from my dad. I did two circles for each layer to give it a more 3D look. I sewed on a random shirt button that I found with yellow cotton.
 This is my favourite out of the two because it has even more dimension than the first, and I also love the pleats. It's a bit like a rosette, isn't it? I realise it's a bit lopsided but that will improve with practice! I think it is partly the fault of the button: it was difficult to sew on to begin with, and then it ended up being off centre. I would have preferred a larger button, but didn't have one to hand. I shall certainly be making plenty more of these!

Look out for more projects soon! 

What is your favourite shop for buying things from? 
And what did you make first on your sewing machine?

Have a lovely Friday,

Hannah xo

Monday, 18 June 2012

New addition

You might not really count this as a new addition, but it is to me, because I have been looking forward to having it for so long! On Saturday night I ordered my sewing machine. Family and friends were very generous when it came to my birthday at the end of May, and a a result I have been able to but a machine and still have lots left over!

I bought the John Lewis JL125. You might ask why I didn't buy a proper sewing machine brand but my mum spoke to the lady in sewing department who said that there was not much difference between the different brands, and that for a beginner, the John Lewis own brand machine would suit my needs.

I can't wait to use it. I have one exam left, on Friday, so after that I may just sew like crazy! Mind you, I can't yet, because it hasn't arrived!

Here is a picture:

I haven't decided what to sew first, but be sure to check this out for the first project!

Have any of you recently bought a sewing machine or taken up sewing as a hobby? Let me know what you are making in the comments below!

Have a lovely day,

Hannah xoxo